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DID Boxed Figures
Boxed Figures
DID Boxed Figures : Boxed Figures
33 thru 43 of 43 items
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Item Name
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1/6 Scale 12" WWII German Luftwaffe Ace Pilot - Adolf Galland D80165
1/6 Scale 12" WWII German Army Supply Duty Bastian Action Figure D80109
DID 1/6 Scale 12" USAF Army Air Force Pilot - Captain Rafe A80167 Figure New
DID 1/6 Scale 12" US Navy Fighter Weapons School Instructor F/A - 18E Pilot Captain Mitchell New Boxed Figure
DID 1/6 Scale WWII Soviet Infantry junior Lieutenant Viktor Reznov Figure R80173
DID 1/6 Scale WWII 77th Infantry Division Combat Medic Dixon 12" Figure A80126
DID 1/6 Scale 12" President Donald Trump Figure With Mask & Desk Set AP003M New
DID 1/6 Scale 12" Vietnam War U.S. Army Lt. Col. Moore V80174 New
1/6 Scale 12" Civil War Union Army Lieutenant - John Dunbar NS80175
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